About the project

The project “Reducing poverty and inequality of opportunity through reforms in the social transfers and services” is carried out by the Institute of Market Economics (IME) in the period September 2019 - September 2022. The project is supported by Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria through the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area with grants worth EUR 193 541.

The central aim of the project “Reducing poverty and inequality of opportunity through reforms in the social transfers and services” is to cause a whole scale change in the social policy in Bulgaria. The project features a macroeconomic perspective on the effectiveness of social assistance in the country and an analysis of the impact of the main social assistance programs, an assessment of the role of the central and local authority in the provision of social services and the mapping of the necessary social services, the setting of a focus on inequality of opportunity and ideas for a new integrated approach to social aid in Bulgaria. 

The main activities of the project are:

  • An assessment of the effectiveness of social transfers in Bulgaria - an analysis of the effectiveness of social transfers in achieving lasting results in the fight against poverty, in particular extreme poverty and inequality of opportunities;
  • An assessment of the social services in the community - an analysis of the role of the central and local authority in the provision of social services; an assessment of the necessities for social services at the local level; proposed methodology for the mapping of necessities for social service at the local level.
  • Proposals for a modern social policy in Bulgaria - proposals for policies, which can effectively address inequality of opportunity, as well as the causes and consequences of falling into poverty. 
  • Inclusion of young people in the analytical part, ensuring internship and participation in advocacy activities. 
  • Creation of a Consultative council for social policy - formation of a consultative council, which will discuss and advise on the analytical and advocacy activity in order to achieve real reforms;
  • Monitoring of the current social policy, inclusion of stakeholders and institutional engagement.

The entire responsibility for the content and materials of the project is held by the Institute for Market Economics. Under no circumstances can it be understood that they reflect the official position of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area and the Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria.